Working at Laser Plumbing with Jeen

Jeen, 19, has been with Laser Plumbing Nelson since leaving school at the end of 2020. After making the most of work experience in his final year of college, and trying as many different trades as he could, Jean decided to reach out to Laser to see if they had an opportunity for him.

Laser Plumbing took Jeen on board, which also allowed him to start an apprenticeship, in plumbing, drain laying and gas fitting which will take about five years to complete. Jeen’s current apprentice role involves a mixture of assembling, installing, and repairing drains. Also, the plumbing and gas fitting side of things, which includes fixtures and fittings that supply water and gas or remove waste.

When Jeen first started he said the biggest challenge was “being frustrated with not being able to complete jobs that his colleagues could” but it didn’t take long for Jeen to find his confidence and learn some tricks along the way, which got him up to scratch with his peers. Jeen is now going out to jobs on his own and completing them. Jeen has also gained his truck licence and occasionally drives diggers and forklifts.

“Laser Plumbing has been really supportive and given me more responsibility as time has gone on.”

We asked Jeen what he enjoyed about his job and he said “the variety of work. You’re not stuck on site for long periods of times, like other trades. You are going to do a specific job then you are onto the next one. It makes the weeks go fast.” He also talked about how the industry is really busy with lots happening and he enjoys being a part of it all.

Jeen talked a lot about how he enjoys the working environment and “working alongside a great bunch of people. Coming to work with all the boys, it’s pretty fun when everyone gets stuck in. Got the radio going, everyone’s working hard, the days goes quick, and you get to have some good laughs.”

Laser Plumbing provide lots of opportunities for the team to get together outside of work, they are a very social bunch with religious Friday after work drinks, touch teams, squash competitions and a running club, for those that are extra keen.

When it comes to the apprenticeship side of things, Laser Plumbing are great, all the apprentices get together at the workshop, the boss Steve, shouts some pizzas and they get their theory done together. A senior staff member will come in for the boys to ask questions as well as ask each other questions and work together.

Jeen appreciates all the accessible outdoor summer hot spots in the Nelson Tasman region, he makes the most of Kaiteri, Golden Bay and the Sounds. Jeen enjoys being outdoors and makes sure he makes the most of his weekends. In the winter “I’m playing rugby for Waimea Old Boys Rugby Club and building random things with his mates and in the summer heading to the beaches and making the most of the warmer weather.”

Jeen says:

“Give it a crack, get your foot in the door, don’t be afraid of trying something new – there are lots of opportunities out there.”