‘Tradie’ Careers Day – 6 June 2024

Today was a fantastic day of career exploration with students from Nelson College, Nayland College, Garin College, Tapawera Area School, and Youth Nelson. Here’s a glimpse of what was experienced:

The day kicked off at Viridian Glass – first a tour of the factory, learning about the fascinating world of glass and different stages of production. Then had a blast breaking toughened glass and chatting with staff about career pathways.

Next was a visit to Fulton Hogan. Hamish provided an overview of the company, followed by Ben showing everyone around the asphalt plant. Georgie wrapped up with insights into her career journey at Fulton Hogan. The students left with a better understanding of the construction and contracting industry.

After a lunch break with an awesome sausage sizzle put on by Ken, the group explored the new ETCO Training Centre. Students participated in wiring circuit activities and learned about trades and apprenticeships. The hands-on experience was a hit!

The final stop was NMIT‘s Joinery department. Here, students discovered various study options and got a mini-tour of the pre-trades programme area. It was an informative end to a day full of learning and exploration.

Overall, the day was an excellent opportunity for students to explore diverse career options as a ‘tradie’ and gain practical insights into different industries.