Working at Fulton Hogan with Becky

In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of civil engineering, career pathways are often as varied as they are rewarding. Becky, an Operations Engineer at Fulton Hogan, shares her journey and experiences working in the Nelson Tasman region.

Becky’s career trajectory shows that success is often a journey, not a destination. Leaving school at the end of year 13, she initially considered a career in teaching. However, a stint at NZ Couriers during her school holidays opened up new avenues. Starting as a Customer Service Representative, she soon transitioned into an Operations Assistant role, gaining valuable experience over a few years.

Seeking a change, Becky joined a civil construction company, Schick Construction, where she managed health and safety, HR, and payroll – all learned on the job. This role exposed her to the intricacies of the civil construction industry, a field she had to initially Google to understand. Despite the initial learning curve, Becky thrived and discovered her passion for the sector.

In October this year, Becky embarked on a new chapter with Fulton Hogan as an Operations Engineer for the Nelson City Council contract. Her responsibilities include programming monthly work, coordinating with supervisors, and managing three crews: pavement, footpaths, and cyclic teams. Becky’s role is pivotal in ensuring the smooth execution of road maintenance and repairs across the region.

Her day-to-day involves not just planning but also addressing logistical challenges and working closely with her team. Becky’s transition from office-based to a more hands-on role has been both challenging and fulfilling. The blend of fieldwork and office responsibilities allows her to interact closely with her team, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.

When asked about what she enjoys most about her job, Becky’s enthusiasm is palpable. She finds immense satisfaction in seeing her team succeed and grow and loves the opportunities Fulton Hogan offers. Becky highlights the case of a young team member fresh out of school who, within a short span, has learned numerous skills, from compacting asphalt to starting a saw cutting course.

However, the role is not without its challenges. Gaining the trust and respect of her team, especially in a male-dominated industry, has required patience and perseverance. Becky’s approach to leadership, focusing on mutual respect and clear communication, has been key in overcoming these hurdles.

Outside of work, Becky cherishes the natural beauty and recreational opportunities that Nelson Tasman offers. From fishing and hunting with her family to competitive netball, her life is as busy as her career. She often enjoys day trips to the scenic spots around Nelson, making the most of the region’s stunning landscapes.

Becky’s journey offers valuable insights for those considering a career in civil engineering. Her advice is straightforward:

“Take the plunge.
The initial stages may be daunting, but the rewards are well worth it.”

She encourages young people to embrace opportunities, even those that seem intimidating at first, and to join supportive companies like Fulton Hogan that invest in their employees’ growth.”

In conclusion, Becky’s story is one of resilience, adaptability, and passion. Her experiences underscore the importance of seizing opportunities, continuous learning, and the joy of seeing one’s efforts culminate in tangible, impactful outcomes. For anyone looking to carve a path in civil engineering, especially in the picturesque Nelson Tasman region, Becky’s journey is both an inspiration and a roadmap.