What a FANTASTIC day!
End of term two concluded many career exploration days with the grand finale, “FANTASTIC FUTURES”, organised by Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA).
We welcomed 170 students from 10 local high schools and around 30 local businesses, industry representatives and training organisations to Founders Heritage Park in Nelson.
The day kicked off with a scavenger hunt game via the GooseChase app. Every ten minutes chimes sounded and the teams moved onto their next target on their maps.
Each business created a question to answer or a challenge to achieve for the students while visiting their business stand. This kept everyone engaged and motivated. Every stand had an activity, mocktails were being made, students trying their hand with barbers’ clippers, sitting in abseiling harnesses, VR headsets, spot prizes, screens, PPE equipment being tried on, rafts being paddled, running around with army backpacks and more. The Energy Centre was buzzing with conversations and activities -a lot of fun was had but also great learning and inspiration.
After all of the excitement of the game, lunch was served as the sun came out, accompanied by a wonderful duo performance by Nayland College students Kahu and Alyahna.
Guest speakers Tim from Vailima Orchard shared his career journey and opportunities in the horticulture industry and Amanda from Go with Tourism, gave the students some awesome tips for job hunting, employability skills and nailing their elevator pitch.
At the end of the eventful day, students and teachers had some free time to go back and chat with businesses and ask more questions. The day closed with prizes for the winning teams!
Involved on the day – NRDA, Proper Crisps, Talley’s, Port Nelson, New Zealand Defence Force, Toad Hall, Datacom, Primary ITO, Vailima Orchard, ITM Frame and Truss, Viridian Glass, OneFortyOne, Nelmac, Cutting Edge Signs, En Vogue Hair Design, Careerforce, Nelson Marlborough Health, Mainfreight, Marine Farming Association, EPIC, Chop City Barbers, Empower NZ, Go with Tourism, Kūmānu Environmental, Sea Level Wines, GoHort, Kernohan Engineering, Egypt Contracting, CCNZ, Youth Employment Success, Waimea Nurseries, Connected, Gourmet Catering, teachers, careers advisors and volunteer team leaders from Ministry of Education of New Zealand and Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).